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Pool Status:


OPEN only through permit-holding community based organizations during their respective time slots and permit dates. COVID rules are currently suspended, but parents may still be required to show ID to be allowed in the building.



Harbor Seals / BRAINS Minor Athlete Abuse Protection Policy (see PDF):


Harbor Seal Tryouts for 2024-25 (Ended):

Harbor Seal membership is highly competitive and is strictly limited by the number of returning members and whether new candidates' skills are compatible with those of our current members. Only a few of the top performers within their age groups will be extended an invitation to join as space on our roster is limited. Those interested in trying out must be within the ages of 7 to 12 years old and would be expected to attend all of the practices and at least 75% of the meets that the team enters, should they be offered a spot on the team. Our Fall practices take place on Tuesdays (6:15 to 8PM), Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays (6:15 to 7:15PM), and Saturdays (4 to 6PM). We typically attend meets once a month (on Sundays).

This year we expect to begin tryouts, by appointment only, on September 10th and end no later than September 24th. Parents should email and call Maria at 347 267-9469 after September 5th to receive a Harbor Seal tryout form to complete and to schedule an appointment for a tryout.
Our coaches look for an ability to perform all four competitive strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly), racing starts, and an ability to do flip turns. Of course, younger candidates would not be held to the same standards as older ones; all candidates will be ranked within their age groups according to their performances at tryouts.
After tryouts conclude (in about two weeks) our coaches will review the results and  swimmers' families will be notified as to whether their child will be invited to join the Harbor Seals swim team. Those parents whose children are invited to join will then be given complete information about tuition, practice schedule, and their swimmers' as well as their own required commitments to the Harbor Seals USA Swimming program. Tuition for mid-September to mid- June will be $3,000 and does not include the required USA membership and meet entry fees (which will likely cost  an additional $300 -  $500).



Learn To Swim Classes (during the School Year):

Class offerings are for children ages 5 to 7 years old and are extremely limited during the school year. Those already enrolled in the previous session are given the opportunity to re-register for the next session, leaving few open spots to be filled. Any open spots are then offered to candidates whose parents have asked to be placed on a wait list (some parents have placed their children on our wait list a year or more before their child turns 5). Prospective candidates must match the age and skill level of the class where the opening  arises. In some cases, when a new class can be created, spots would be offered to the youngest ones on the list. There is no guarantee that anyone on a wait list will be offered a spot as there simply are not enough classes available during the school year.




BRAINS' 2025 Lifeguard Training ClassStarts Saturday February 8th!

​Lifeguarding & LG Review


BRAINS offers an American Red Cross Lifeguard Training course ) and Lifeguard Review courses (starting on February 8th) only once a year.  

Please see PDF or call Maria (347) 267-9469  for more information.

Space is Limited!

Swimming Coach

Winter/ Spring Intermediate Stroke Clinic


Registration for BRAINS Intermediate Stroke Clinic class which starts in late Winter and continues throughout the  Spring on Saturdays from 2:30 to 3:45 PM takes place in December and January each season. This class is designed to enhance the abilities of those already involved in a competitive swim program, such as CYO or YMCA swim teams. Spots are limited, and available on a first-come basis.




Mini- Stroke Clinic - Registration Begins in January


For swimmers already involved in competitive swimming. (This class takes place on Thursday evenings in late Spring - call for appointment or come to the pool during Harbor Seal practice times to register.)

This program focuses on improving stroke technique, flip-turns, racing starts, push-offs, breaststroke pull-downs, and other racing skills. Please call or see Maria (347) 267-9469 for more information.

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Harbor Seal Tryouts For 2024-25  (ENDED)


Tryouts for available Harbor Seal roster spots for the 2024-25 season have ended.  Prospective members must be between the ages of 7 and 12 and must demonstrate competency in the four competitive strokes, racing starts and flip turns. Age-appropriate time standards are used to evaluate candidates.







COVID restrictions (currently not in force) on extended use permits for use of the pool may be put back in force without prior notice. Restrictions may include some or all of the below policies:


  • Spectator restrictions may be imposed by the the school or the NYC Dept. of Education. If so, only those comfortable with dropping off their children at the pool entrance should consider enrolling in a BRAINS program at this time.

  • Parents must remain nearby in the event of an emergency

  • Swimmers must come ready to get in the pool (suits on)

  • No showering at the pool

  • Building must be vacated by the end of our permit time (classes will end 10 to 15 minutes before the next permit-holding organization's time begins to allow for exiting)

  • NYCDOE Screening at may be used by School Safety Agents (passes can be processed in advance for day of entry)

  • ID may be required

  • Should restrictions be reinstated, BRAINS COVID Waiver would also be required of all BRAINS participants

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Swimming Coach
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Programs are conducted at Fort Hamilton High School's 
Thomas Greene Natatorium

8301 Shore Road
Brooklyn, NY 11209


For information, call (347) 26-SWIM-9 / (347) 267-9469

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